Thursday, January 25, 2007

Milwaukee Mitchell Park Domes

The dome photos were so great, I had to add some more to the blog.  "A boy on a bench" followed by "Three moms on a bench".  Sarah's friend Stacey and her daughter Ella came along to the domes.

Milwaukee Mitchell Park Domes

Auggie was in awe of the beautiful foliage.  His favorite dome was the Tropical dome.  It was a nice escape from the cold weather outside.  Michaya and Sarah are included in these set of photos.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

More Visitors

Auggie is lucky enough to get pretty regular visits from Dada and Momma's friend Kate and Klaus.  Over Christmas Auggie met Dada's friend Joselito for the first time.  Jose plans to turn Auggie into a little skater kid with his new Santa Cruz gear.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Six Months Old

Auggie and Michaya are inseparable!!  It's fair to say Auggie's already into girls.

New Year Visitors

The beginning of 2007 brought lots of out of town visitors.  Two of Momma's best friends from college (University of Minnesota) came to visit.   Ana (blonde)came from Washington D.C. in December for Momma's birthday.  Beth and her husband Curt came to visit from Denver. This was the first time for both friends meeting Auggie.  I think they were rather fond of him.