Friday, December 28, 2007

Still Celebrating Christmas...

Auntie Vernie, Lucy and Ruby

We celebrated a late Christmas with Momma's brother Uncle Paully and Auntie Vern, Ruby, Lucy, Grandpa Donnie and Grandma Kitty.  Auggie loved his talking garbage truck his Uncle Paully picked out for him!  The last photo illustrates one of Auggie's favorite things to do at Grandma Kitty's house, hide between cabinets in the kitchen.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

We took Auggie to Aunt Patti and Uncle Gary's house in Monticello Christmas Day.  Grandpa Donnie and Grandma Kitty were there too.  Auggie enjoyed one of his favorite past-times, pushing Uncle Gary in his wheelchair.  Aunt Patti made us yummy turkey and mashed potatoes while Auggie provided the entertainment by demonstrating his "spoon trick" for everyone!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas with the Fullertons


Auggie celebrated an early Christmas at Chris and Michelle's house in Hartland.  Auggie got to see Grandpa and Grandma Toynton, Great Grandma Christine and open presents with his cousins Kendall and Addison.  

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Auggie got his photo taken with the same Santa from last year.  It's fun to look back and see how much he's grown and changed.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Swimming Lessons

Niccoli and Gordon

Auggie started swim lessons in September at Swimtastic Swim School in Mequon and continues to show a huge interest in it!  Grandma Kitty came to take Auggie to his lesson which provided me the opportunity to take photos!! The last photo is Auggie's favorite thing about swimming, riding on Mr. Duck.  Auggie also loves swimming underwater through a hula-hoop.  He's a brave little fish.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Auggie and Gordy

Niccoli and Gordy came over for a play date.  The boys are best buds.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Kalahari Wisconsin Dells

Addison and Kendall

Grandpa and Grandma Toynton treated us and the Fullertons to spend the weekend in the Dells celebrating Grandpa's 60th birthday.  We had a blast.  Auggie loved the waterpark!  We shared a suite together and had our share of yummy food.  Auggie and his cousins enjoyed roaming around the big arcade.  Auggie got an early visit from Santa (whose eye-sight seems to be failing) and got his portrait painted by a Kalahari artist.  Thanks Grandpa and Grandma!