Saturday, July 29, 2006

Auggie's First Month

Kendall Ann

Lucy Kosha

Ruby Marlene

Augustus Francis

Auggie had many visitors his first month at home.  Grandma Kitty stayed with us to help out the first two weeks!!!  Grandpa Donnie, Grandpa and Grandma Toynton, both Great Grandmas, the Fullertons, the Cemans and Mommy and Daddy's friends: Melanie, Drea, Klaus and Kate.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Augustus Francis Toynton

Born 9:48 PM @ Columbia St. Mary's Ozaukee.  8lbs. 11 oz. and 22 inches long.  Auggie had several visitors in the hospital: Grandma and Grandpa Toynton, Great Grandma Toynton, Grandpa Donnie and Grandma Kitty, Great Grandma Sue, Auntie Michelle and cousins Kendall and Addison, and mommy's friend and co-worker Cindy.