Saturday, February 23, 2008

Just Hanging Out

Niccoli and Mathew had us over for dinner AGAIN!!!  Delicious as usual!  Gordy and Auggie kicked back in the rocking chair together for a little photo shoot.  I think the horizontal stripes accentuate Gordy's tummy very nicely :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Swimtastic Swim School

These are a little hard to make out but they are of Auggie and his friends riding on Mr. Duck and then Auggie on the top of the slide with his swim teacher Miss Britney.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Play Date

Auggie and I met up with Niccoli and Gordy for another play date at an indoor gym called "Just 4 Fun" in Grafton.  The boys love being little daredevils together.