Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bath Time at Grandma Kitty's House

Grandma Kitty and Grandpa Donnie baby-sat for Auggie on Saturday night so that Aaron and I could go to a benefit held for my cousin, Mark, in Appleton.  As you can see, he didn't miss us a bit.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Family Tree Friday

Who's the family member to the left?

(Aaron aka Dada)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

More Monkey Joe's

Auggie didn't actually play on any games but that didn't stop him from hanging around the arcade.

At the end of the slide (for the third time).

The big castle inflatable (Auggie's inside).

Auggie sat on this seat driving for extended periods of time (the most he's ever attended to anything!)

Monkey Joe's

This slide was very, very steep.  

This is one of the large inflatables.

Auggie cozing up to a little girl at the truck table.

Grandma's Kitty's crush: Lil' Roy Rogers!

This is the namesake: Monkey Joe.

Auggie and I went to Appleton on Tuesday and met up with Grandma Kitty at Monkey Joe's (a large, crazy fun house for kids with giant inflatables to jump on.)  Auggie was mesmerized with Monkey Joe.  He stood and stared at him and said "monkey".

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday 2008

Auggie found his Easter basket behind the chair in the family room.  His favorite treat from his basket was Cookie Monster.

Cuddling Cousins

Having fun with Auntie Michelle!

We ate brunch at The Hunt Club at Geneva National in Lake Geneva.  Here's Auggie's second visit with the Easter Bunny. 

Friday, March 21, 2008

Family Tree Friday

Fridays will now be designated for Family Tree photos.  Can you guess which relative's baby photo is shown on the bottom left?

(Gina aka Momma)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Take Me Back" Tuesday

I promised Niccoli I would give credit where credit was due...I am totally ripping off Niccoli's "Flash Back Friday" idea from her blog.  So, Niccoli, dear, thank you for sharing your creative genius with me and letting me use it on this blog!

So our "time machine" takes us back to Auggie's birth announcement (he's probably about 
3 weeks old in these photos).

Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patrick's Day 2008

All dressed up for nothing...

"Irish Girls Love Me"

Auggie was slated to go to a St. Patrick's Day/Birthday party at the Huiras Center where Momma works, but started feeling yucky mid-morning.  Rather than get anyone else sick, Auggie just modeled his cute T-shirt (Dada bought him) at home instead.  Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tiger Toynton

Auggie's been practicing his swing...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Visiting in Greenville

Auggie had fun visiting Grandpa Donnie and Grandma Kitty.  He's a silly little guy.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Easter Bunny

Grandma Kitty took Auggie and I to the Fox River Mall to get a photo with the Easter Bunny.  Auggie initially walked right up to the bunny and patted his paws.  I thought the experience was going to go rather smoothly, I was wrong.  Once I set Auggie on the bunny's lap, he screamed and leapt off with superhuman speed.  This is why I became the buffer between Auggie and the giant freakish rabbit.  Can't say I blame him for being scared...