Friday, May 30, 2008

Bicycle Helmet

Aaron and I have a bike ordered (with a child seat getting installed as well).  The bicycle is being built and will be ready Monday night.  We took Auggie into the bike shop in West Bend to get him fitted with his bicycle helmet-"hat".  Not that we were surprised by this but, Auggie's head is so large that he fits into a youth, rather than, infant helmet.  I'm excited to start taking bike rides with Auggie to the park.  His bike seat has it's own set of bike handles for him to hold onto while riding behind Momma.

Here are two photos of Auggie getting "used to" the idea of wearing his helmet:

Warm Weather Fun!!

When Dada got home from work we all went outside to play because it was still so warm.


Auggie much prefers to push his tricycle than to ride it now.


Auggie discovered the hose on the side of the house, fortunately he is unaware of how to turn on the water (yet).

Family Tree Friday

Who's the relative to the right?



Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Take Me Back Tuesday

Today we're looking back to when Auggie visited the Mitchell Park Domes in Milwaukee.  The domes were our solace from the bitter winter.  

(Click to view photos larger.)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Playing With Kendall and Addison

Auggie spent the day with his cousins, Kendall and Addison and Auntie Michelle and Uncle Chris.

All three on the slide at once!

Auggie very rarely goes down slides facing forward.

Kendall and Addison

Auggie in awe of bicycle wheels.

Auggie fell in love with Addison's big-boy bike.  Soon, Auggie, soon!

Chasing each other in the yard.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dinner At Mathew and Niccoli's

Mathew and Niccoli had us over for another delicious meal.  We had such a great time and the boys are just too cute together.

Auggie is checking out what all this "big-boy bed" hoop-la is all about.

Niccoli researching some baby names and Gordy doing a little driving.

Hockey: Gordon takes the shot and Auggie prepares to guard his goal.

Bayshore Fountain Extravaganza!

After dinner, we took the boys downstairs to Bayshore's outdoor mall plaza where shooting fountains attack unwitting toddlers.  These photos (that Niccoli so skillfully shot) show Auggie's progression from timid to courageous/dry to sopping wet. 

Gordy and Auggie approaching the mysterious water-jets.  Gordy and the jets know each other well, hence, he maintained a safe distance and dry clothing.

Auggie, still dry, and contemplating his next move.

Taking an even closer look...the wheels are really turning now.


With his characteristic "fluffy" hair now tamed, Auggie embraces sogginess. 

Growing braver by the second...

Standing on top of the jets eagerly waiting for the attack.

Loving every minute of it.

Dessert At Mathew and Niccoli's

After fun with the fountains, we went back up to eat dessert.

Stripped down to his jeans and ready to ride the elevator back up to Mathew and Niccoli's to dry off.

Mathew and Niccoli have a great stroller that Auggie was obsessed with.  After changing and getting toasty-warm, the boys kicked back and watched a video together.  Auggie certainly chose the best "seat" in the house.

Auggie decided to serenade Gordy's baby with a little tune on the piano.

Mathew's got his hands full with a 65 pound package!

Upside down buddies and bellies.

Auggie Visits Grandpa and Grandma Toynton

Aaron and Auggie set off early Sunday morning to visit Grandpa, Grandma and Great Grandma Toynton in Walworth.

Showing Grandpa Toynton his motorcycle.

Cudding a teddy bear and Grandma Toynton.

Playing with his ever-energetic Great Grandma Christine.

Aaron said that he never heard Auggie laugh so hard as he did when he was playing with Grandpa Toynton.

On the deck with Grandma.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lunch on the River

We spent the rest of the afternoon at Riverside Brewery in West Bend.  Auggie repeatedly looked behind him, pointed and said, "water!".  

 Auggie gazing lovingly at his Grappa.  He can't get enough of spending time with his Grappa.  

Auggie has a deep interest in "cycos" (motorcycles, bicycles, tricycles).  Here he is playing with a new chopper (with flame detailing on it's side).  Momma bought it last night and Auggie has literally not parted with it since then.  He ate his grilled cheese sandwich with one hand while tightly grasping his "cyco" in the other.

Memorial Weekend at the Park

Grappa and Granka came to visit us and help us with yard-work (mulching, pulling weeds, trimming hedges, etc.)  Thank You!!!!  We all went to the park on Saturday afternoon and had a blast chasing Auggie around.

I love this photo of Dada and Auggie strolling together.

Learning the physics of Merry-Go-Round rides: HOLD ON!!!!

Walking in the field with Momma.

Picking dandelions with Granka.

Climbing with Granka.

Swinging with Grappa.

Cuddling with Dada!