Saturday, June 28, 2008

Playing Outside At Grandma's House

I took these photos of Auggie playing on Grandma Kitty's deck two weekends ago.

"Rearranging" Grandma's flowers.

While visiting in Mosinee, Auggie was lucky enough to score his own lawnmower from his Uncle Paully.  Here he is "working on it".

Puppy Love

Auggie and his dog Bubba:

Friday, June 27, 2008

Family Tree Friday

Due to a shortage of relatives' baby photos, Family Tree Friday will now just highlight a different family member each week.  Today we have a photo of Auggie with his Great Grandma Sue.  Auggie's just 10 months old here.  What a little munch.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


One of Auggie's favorite past-times is going into Momma's purse and playing with the various items inside.  Yesterday, while I was washing dishes, I noticed there was an eery calm in the house.  When Auggie is this quiet, I know there will be trouble to follow.  I walked past the laundry room and found the entire contents of my purse strewn across the floor.  I called for Auggie and he proudly walked up to me with his surprise: a near perfect application of lipstick on his lips.

Auggie can color within the lines (a rather conservative amount used).

It should be mentioned that Aaron fought me long and hard to not post these photos in our blog...I think he thought spectators might suspect we have a budding cross-dresser on our hands.  I tried to comfort Aaron by relaying the hundreds of stories of other children (male and female) that have christened themselves with a variety of their mom's make-up products-including myself and my brother (and probably Aaron too but I'll have to get a confirmation from Barb on that one).  

Upon surveying the rest of the house for damage, I found a minor amount of lipstick on the carpet in the living room and lovely handprint-shaped lipsticks smears on the seat of a living room chair.  I realize fully that I got off mom found me with my entire face covered with,  I think, a corral shade of lipstick and the damage was not contained to just my face.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Take Me Back Tuesday

These photos were taken when Auggie went to visit Aunt Patti and Uncle Gary.  Uncle Gary was at UW Madison Hospital at the time.  

I think Auggie was about five months old here.  He was such a little trooper.  He even took his  nap, like clock-work, at the hospital in his stroller. 

Aunt Patti or Gr-Auntie Patti  (Gina's Aunt)

Swimming Pool

After gymnastics this morning, Momma set up Auggie's new pool in the back yard.  Once the hose was out, Auggie has climbed into his pool fully dressed.  Despite the frigid temperature of the water coming out, Auggie refused to get out of his pool.

For those of you familiar with swim diapers, they certainly serve a useful purpose.  Auggie was wearing his regular Pampers in the pool and the diaper literally held onto roughly three cups of pool water (and for the record, Pampers do not wring out).

Auggie's "dumper".

The pool's kind of's big enough for Aaron and I to sit in with Auggie or put his plastic slide inside.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Special Visitors!!

Our friends, Kate and Klaus visited with their kids (Baby Chase and their eldest son, Chewy the Dog).  Auggie really loves babies and Chase was sooo cute!  Auggie tried to get as close as he possibly could and was cuddling with Chase non-stop.

Chase Arlen Nitsch

Chewy Nitsch

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Visiting In Walworth

While Momma worked today, Dada and Auggie drove to Walworth to visit Grandpa, Grandma and Great Grandma Toynton and his cousins Kendall and Addison (whom Grandpa and Grandma were babysitting).

Addison and Augustus.  
Auggie is starting to look just as big as Addison now!

Grandma Toynton sure knows how to make those boys giggle...

A "Grandson Sandwich".

Grandpa Addison

Great Grandma Christine

Getting a lift from his big cousin, Kendall.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Open Gym

Friday mornings our YMCA has open gym time for an hour.  Auggie loves it-the equipment is very similar to what he uses at Northshore Gymnastics Academy.  Auggie made several fast friends, including a girl named Addison whom he planted a kiss on.  

Watching the big boys swing on a rope.

Getting better at balancing everyday.

(Auggie looks just like Aaron in this photo.)

Special Memories Zoo

On Wednesday, Grandma Kitty took us to the zoo in Greenville.  It's such a great zoo-small enough for little feet to walk it.

The zoo has a large "petting" area for kids.  Auggie loved every minute of it.  Here he is petting a baby llama.

Baby Bunnies.

Sleeping, Baby Pot-Bellied Pig.

Baby Goats.

Black, Baby Pot-Bellied Pig.

Fawn.  Awwhhh....

The zoo housed  a lot of larger animals as well: two lions, a tiger, zebras, monkeys and bears.  Here Auggie's catching a glimpse of Mr. Camel (who, by the way, was very fragrant).

Walking past the Emus.  "Move Like An Emu Moves" happens to be one of Auggie's favorite Wiggles' songs.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Visiting Uncle Paully

Auggie and I left this weekend to stay with Grandma Kitty and then go to visit Uncle Paully and the girls in Mosinee.  Auggie had a blast!

Auggie is wearing Lucy's bicycle helmet and running around.

Ruby and Lucy are helping Auggie to ride on a two-wheeler.

Two little monkeys...

Auggie loves Uncle Paully's Golden-Doodle, MoJo.

More of Mosinee...

Eating corn-on-the-cob with Lucy!

Swinging with Uncle Paully.

We even got a visit from Elmo!!