Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!!

Grandma Kitty and Grandpa Donnie came to spend the day with us.  While Auggie was napping, they snuck in an early birthday present surprise...

What's hidden under the blanket, Auggie?

Your very own tractor!  Just like Great Grandpa Julius!  Just what every Wisconsin boy needs. 

Believe it or not, Auggie was initially afraid to even touch his tractor.  We suspect he thought it would suddenly start up and scare him.  He was content to eye it up from every angle but not go near enough to touch it or hop on.  We all made attempts to coax him into driving the tractor:

Is it Grandpa's tractor?  No...

Is it Grandma Kitty's tractor?  No...

Is it Momma's tractor?  No...

Hey, you guys are silly!  That's my tractor.

I love my tractor so much I'm going to give it a big hug.

Move out of the way, I'm heading to the fields 'cause farming's in my blood.


Niccoli and I took the boys (Auggie and Gordy) to Summerfest yesterday.  This was Auggie's first Summerfest experience and he loved it!  I think we'll have to brave the crowds and take him back next year.  

Here's our boys, side-by-side passengers.

The weather could not have been more perfect.  A stroller pose on the shores of Lake Michigan.

Summerfest grounds has a great area just for kids with multiple climbers, a children's stage and water area.

The boys are just too cute together.  They are only two days apart in age and love to do all the same things.

"Hey, wait a minute, isn't that my stroller?"
Auggie really admires Gordy's stroller.  If you've seen previous posts, Auggie is no stranger to taking over Gordy's stroller and hanging out in it for awhile.

Ice Cream!!

Gordy got to spend some time with his Daddy, Mathew, inside his radio-station's booth.
Auggie got to visit inside with Mathew too.

After work Dada met us at Summerfest.  Auggie was very happy to see him.

Niccoli and I came prepared with swim diapers, swim trunks and towels for the boys.  They had a blast running around the water area.

What a happy little boy...

When Mathew got done working, all four of us went and listened to a few bands.  The boys were beginning to show some wear and tear after a long day.  But Auggie still had enough energy to sing along with the band.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Little Video

Raking Blue Sand

Summer Fun

Yesterday Auggie and I were fortunate enough to get to spend the hot summer day at, Momma's friend, Annette's house.  Going to Annette's house is like going to a theme park chalk-full of fun things to do.

Here's our resident "bathing beauty" well-equipped with sunscreen, shades and waterwings.

Annette helping Auggie to do a little lounging.

Auggie hot-tubbing it with his buddy and babysitter, Natalie (Annette's daughter).

Auggie watched Annette jump off the diving board one time and that was all it took for him to quickly follow suit.  He made his way onto the diving board for his first jump.

Round two: a bit more hesitant at the end of the board.

The Plunge!

Snuggling with Natalie.

Playing next to "Nessie" outside the pool.

Catching some rays and relaxing...

Swimming with Momma.

As mentioned before, Annette's house is like a Funland because of all the fun things to do.  Auggie got to hang out with the dogs and horses again.  Here he is very tenatively saying hi to Natalie's horse, Alex.

Auggie and I had such a great time.  Thanks, Annette!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Take Me Back Tuesday

These photos are from Auggie's, I think, first time at Betty Brinn's Children's Museum in Milwaukee.  Sarah, Michaya, and Auggie and I went to check out the museum and to sample a music class that was offered there for the day.

Auggie and Michaya rolling around (at that time that was the extent of their movements, hard to believe now) in the baby block pit area.

Tasty Cube.

Sitting at music circle wearing Momma's all time favorite silver baby space shoes-too cool for school!  That nuk is a thing of the past, thank God!