Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Auggie enjoys attempting to sneak snacks out of the pantry...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

First Trip to the Dentist!!

Auggie had his first dental exam today.  He did so well and made Momma so proud!  There were a few tears (a little fearful) but no tantrums, kicking or screaming.  

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday Playdate

We had our friends, the Jensens (Adam, Ni'Cole, Katie and Charlie), over on Saturday night for dinner and play.  Auggie is right in the middle, age-wise, between Katie and Charlie. 
Katie and Auggie checking out the art easle.

Cooking in the kitchen...

It's difficult to see in this photo, but Charlie has a funky faux-mohawk hairdo.

Reading books together (in particular "Elmo Uses The Potty", a fitting choice for Katie who is on her way to big girl pants soon!)

Investigating the bottom of the toy box with the aid of a much taller Katie.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Family Tree Friday

Who's the relative to the left?
Ruby Marlene (Auggie's cousin)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

An Active Boy...

The weather was so warm today that, after gymnastics, Auggie and I spent the rest of the day outdoors.  I introduced Auggie to his tricycle today.  He couldn't yet get the hang of the peddling part but he owns the knack of steering.  The trike is equipped with a parental push-bar to help propel him around.  He enjoyed cycling but nothing beat sprinting down the sidewalk with abandon.  The day ended with a series of bumps and scrapes but Auggie has really mastered how to "shake it off".  
(Argyle socks are not just for golfing)

Here he's transporting the mail for Momma.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Family Tree Friday

Who's the relative to the right?

Uncle Paully 
(Gina's brother)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Take Me Back Tuesday

The "time machine" takes us back to Auggie's first trip to St. Germain when he was two and a half months old.  He's very fashionable in his new "Northerner" attire.  He looks just like his Uncle Paully in this photo.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Family Tree Friday

Who's the relative to the right?

Kendall Ann (Auggie's cousin)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Auggie started gymnastics ("Tumble Buddies"), March 12th, at Northshore Gymnastics Academy in Cedarburg.  He loves it!  Auggie is lucky enough to get to share the experience with his buddy Gordy as well.

 Jumping on the Giant Trampoline

Ready for Olympic Try-Outs

Niccoli is helping Auggie across the balance beam

Parallel Bars

Hanging with his teacher, Ms. Kate

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Take Me Back Tuesday

Auggie at four months old...sleepless nights were becoming more the exception than the rule.  Our little chunky-monkey was beginning to develop a real personality!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

While Momma naps...

...this is what the boys do:

Saturday, April 5, 2008


We had Niccoli, Mathew and Gordy over for a grill-out dinner this weekend.  Here's the boys sharing a bar stool eating chips and guacamole together.  Gordy is, by far, the more civilized eater!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Family Tree Friday

Who's the relative to the right?

Grandpa Paul
(Gina's Daddy)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Take Me Back Tuesday

Our friends, Klaus and Kate, just brought home their brand-new baby from the hospital last week: Chase Arlen Nitsch!!  We visited them on Sunday.  Seeing that shiny new little person made us think of what it was like to bring Auggie home.  Here's Auggie on his second day at home.  Notice he's still wearing his hospital bracelet.