Wednesday, April 23, 2008

An Active Boy...

The weather was so warm today that, after gymnastics, Auggie and I spent the rest of the day outdoors.  I introduced Auggie to his tricycle today.  He couldn't yet get the hang of the peddling part but he owns the knack of steering.  The trike is equipped with a parental push-bar to help propel him around.  He enjoyed cycling but nothing beat sprinting down the sidewalk with abandon.  The day ended with a series of bumps and scrapes but Auggie has really mastered how to "shake it off".  
(Argyle socks are not just for golfing)

Here he's transporting the mail for Momma.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He looks like his Uncle Paully sprinting down the sidewalk! Brings back memories. Kisses to you. Grandma Kitty