Thursday, June 26, 2008


One of Auggie's favorite past-times is going into Momma's purse and playing with the various items inside.  Yesterday, while I was washing dishes, I noticed there was an eery calm in the house.  When Auggie is this quiet, I know there will be trouble to follow.  I walked past the laundry room and found the entire contents of my purse strewn across the floor.  I called for Auggie and he proudly walked up to me with his surprise: a near perfect application of lipstick on his lips.

Auggie can color within the lines (a rather conservative amount used).

It should be mentioned that Aaron fought me long and hard to not post these photos in our blog...I think he thought spectators might suspect we have a budding cross-dresser on our hands.  I tried to comfort Aaron by relaying the hundreds of stories of other children (male and female) that have christened themselves with a variety of their mom's make-up products-including myself and my brother (and probably Aaron too but I'll have to get a confirmation from Barb on that one).  

Upon surveying the rest of the house for damage, I found a minor amount of lipstick on the carpet in the living room and lovely handprint-shaped lipsticks smears on the seat of a living room chair.  I realize fully that I got off mom found me with my entire face covered with,  I think, a corral shade of lipstick and the damage was not contained to just my face.

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