Friday, July 4, 2008


Niccoli and I took the boys (Auggie and Gordy) to Summerfest yesterday.  This was Auggie's first Summerfest experience and he loved it!  I think we'll have to brave the crowds and take him back next year.  

Here's our boys, side-by-side passengers.

The weather could not have been more perfect.  A stroller pose on the shores of Lake Michigan.

Summerfest grounds has a great area just for kids with multiple climbers, a children's stage and water area.

The boys are just too cute together.  They are only two days apart in age and love to do all the same things.

"Hey, wait a minute, isn't that my stroller?"
Auggie really admires Gordy's stroller.  If you've seen previous posts, Auggie is no stranger to taking over Gordy's stroller and hanging out in it for awhile.

Ice Cream!!

Gordy got to spend some time with his Daddy, Mathew, inside his radio-station's booth.
Auggie got to visit inside with Mathew too.

After work Dada met us at Summerfest.  Auggie was very happy to see him.

Niccoli and I came prepared with swim diapers, swim trunks and towels for the boys.  They had a blast running around the water area.

What a happy little boy...

When Mathew got done working, all four of us went and listened to a few bands.  The boys were beginning to show some wear and tear after a long day.  But Auggie still had enough energy to sing along with the band.

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