Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Summer Fun

Yesterday Auggie and I were fortunate enough to get to spend the hot summer day at, Momma's friend, Annette's house.  Going to Annette's house is like going to a theme park chalk-full of fun things to do.

Here's our resident "bathing beauty" well-equipped with sunscreen, shades and waterwings.

Annette helping Auggie to do a little lounging.

Auggie hot-tubbing it with his buddy and babysitter, Natalie (Annette's daughter).

Auggie watched Annette jump off the diving board one time and that was all it took for him to quickly follow suit.  He made his way onto the diving board for his first jump.

Round two: a bit more hesitant at the end of the board.

The Plunge!

Snuggling with Natalie.

Playing next to "Nessie" outside the pool.

Catching some rays and relaxing...

Swimming with Momma.

As mentioned before, Annette's house is like a Funland because of all the fun things to do.  Auggie got to hang out with the dogs and horses again.  Here he is very tenatively saying hi to Natalie's horse, Alex.

Auggie and I had such a great time.  Thanks, Annette!!

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