Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!!

Grandma Kitty and Grandpa Donnie came to spend the day with us.  While Auggie was napping, they snuck in an early birthday present surprise...

What's hidden under the blanket, Auggie?

Your very own tractor!  Just like Great Grandpa Julius!  Just what every Wisconsin boy needs. 

Believe it or not, Auggie was initially afraid to even touch his tractor.  We suspect he thought it would suddenly start up and scare him.  He was content to eye it up from every angle but not go near enough to touch it or hop on.  We all made attempts to coax him into driving the tractor:

Is it Grandpa's tractor?  No...

Is it Grandma Kitty's tractor?  No...

Is it Momma's tractor?  No...

Hey, you guys are silly!  That's my tractor.

I love my tractor so much I'm going to give it a big hug.

Move out of the way, I'm heading to the fields 'cause farming's in my blood.

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