Thursday, August 14, 2008

Swimming At Wirth Park

Niccoli and I took the boys to Wirth Park's Aquatic Center today.  What a blast!  Everyday I am reminded why moving to Brookfield was a good decision, having resources like this available to us (minutes away) just crystalize the appreciation for where we now live. 

The aquatic center has a huge no-depth pool area with shooting water and sprinklers.  The entire area could not have been more perfect for Auggie and Gordy.

Winner of the best beach pose of the day.

Getting splashed by Gordy.

Up and down the water slide several times.

The no-depth pool bumps up right against a climbing area.  The boys enjoyed going back and forth between climbing and swimming.

I neglected to bring Auggie dry shorts to change into after swimming so he went without.  Here's the best buds walking and holding hands in the parking lot after finishing up swimming.

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