Monday, August 4, 2008

Auggie Turns Two!!!

We had a great second birthday party for Auggie with lots of friends and family.  The party was July 12th (I'm a little behind in posting).

Grandpa Donnie and Grandma Kitty

Grandpa Addison and little Addison.

The Jensens
Adam and Ni'Cole, Katie and baby Charlie

Opening presents...this one is a harmonica from Grandma Kitty.

Crazy redneck truck from Great Grandma Sue.

All the kids congregating in the living room.

Drea and her daughter Kiara.

Uncle Paully, Ruby and Lucy

Niccoli and Auggie's best friend, Gordy

The Nitsch's
Kate, baby Chase and Klaus

Pre-party Pose

Blowing out the candles on his digger cake.

Dada with baby Chase and Kendall.

Annette and Natalie (right of photo)

Uncle Chris and Auntie Michelle

Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated with us.  We had a wonderful time and hope you did too!

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